The Provider Relief Bureau (PRB) ensured resiliency of the nation’s health care systems and infrastructure by supporting health care providers in the United States to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Now that payment activities have ceased, we oversee compliance and program integrity efforts for the Provider Relief Fund and related COVID-19 response programs.
9/30/24: PRF Reporting Period 7 Ends
With the passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 and related rescission of program funds, no further payments will be made to providers under the Provider Relief Fund or the American Rescue Plan Rural Distribution, including no reconsideration payments. Likewise, no additional claims payments will be made under the Uninsured Program or Coverage Assistance Fund. Per the Terms and Conditions of each Program, all reporting and auditing requirements will continue without disruption. Learn more about the impact of the Fiscal Responsibility Act.
Review information about the terms and conditions for using PRF and/or ARP Rural payments or reimbursements, including remediating a non-compliant status.
Explore what recipients of PRF payments need to know about reporting requirements, auditing, and using the PRF Reporting Portal.
Browse all categories of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) including General Information and download a PDF of all FAQ.