Current Senate leaders and officers as well as links to historical essays, lists, and artwork depicting former leaders.
Former SenatorsLinks to historical lists and statistics, art work, images, and research collections of former senators.
Qualifications & Terms of ServiceInformation on the requirements to become a senator, a senator's term of service, and the oath of office.
Facts & MilestonesLinks to biographical information, Senate service accomplishments, military service, awards and honors, and more for current and former senators.
States in the Senate Lists of all senators from each state and facts about each state's history in the U.S. Senate.Party Division 118th Congress
• Majority Party: Democrats (47 seats)
• Minority Party: Republicans (49 seats)
• Other Parties: Independents (4 seats)
More Party Division Information
Senators by Class
• Class I (terms expire 2025)
• Class II (terms expire 2027)
• Class III (terms expire 2029)
The following lists from Facts & Milestones include current senators.
Can't find your senator's name in the list of senators? Perhaps he or she is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, a former senator, or a senator in your State Legislature.